06_ Think Before You Believe: Detecting Propaganda and Disinformation


Identifying Propaganda and Disinformation

Identifying propaganda and disinformation is challenging because creators make every effort to make their content believable and difficult to spot. 


Maintaining a critical mindset and being careful involves checking two main areas:

1.   Information Details

2.   Emotions


Information Details

For information to be true, ten elements must be complete, logical, and correct:

·     Fact

·     Data

·     Incident

·     Chronology of the incident

·     Source

·     Person

·     Statement

·     Picture

·     Date and time

·     Context



Be cautious if, after hearing or reading the news, you feel:

·     Happy

·     Sad

·     Fearful

·     Excited

·     Frustrated

These emotional responses may indicate potential disinformation or propaganda.


Ask Yourself Other Questions...

·     WHO created this information?

·     WHEN was it created?

·     WHY was it created? WHY has it reached you?

·     WHO profits from it?